Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Things TV has taught me

Television has taught me many things. You very well may believe that TV is just a box that melts your brain and leaves you with greasy hair and no social skills but you're wrong. I'm sorry, but you are. As you will see from the following list, TV is actually very valuable in teaching me extremely important things. Please see the following.

.1. Diseases.
Grey's Anatomy, one of my favourite shows, has taught me about a lot of diseases. Admittedly, it has convinced me at various times that I have lupus or schizophrenia or cancer. But that's okay. The point is I know more about diseases and can now cross certain diseases off the list of 'Diseases I possibly have'.

.2. I can't sing.
Every time I finish an episode of Glee, I feel inspired to belt out a song and dance around joyously. It usually only takes me a few verses to remind myself that I actually sound like a drowning cat with tonsillitis when I sing but it's a good lesson for me. That I can't sing and therefore will avoid all school musicals and karaoke nights in order to keep whatever is left of my dignity.

.3. Don't take drugs or alcohol or steal a car or be mean to the weird boy at school.
Thank you Degrassi. Thanks to you I will not:
-Jump off a bridge and end up in the hospital for the rest of my life.
-Make a fool of myself at a school dance and throw up.
-Pay hundreds of dollars to repair a car.
-Be  a victim of a school shooting.
True, you have made me cry in the past. Sob, actually. Weep, really. But let's be honest, most things make me cry. So I think I can forgive you for that in exchange for my health and good sense. So thank you Degrassi.

.4. Pop culture references and how to egg cars.
Gilmore Girls - so many pop culture references I can make thanks to this show. It has taught me good TV references, given me good music taste, taught me to talk faster and how to egg a car. Seriously. Also it has many, many cute boys, so, bonus.

.5. Benefits of reality TV.
Survivor, while some call it 'trashy' is actually quite informative. You may meet your future husband on an island. Eating bugs is sometimes necassary while trying to survive. Grab a chicken by the feet if you want to cook it and eat it. Don't backstab people or you'll be viciously attacked at Tribal Council.

.6. How to survive in deathly situations.
I Shouldn't Be Alive is this great show about people who get stuck in these crazy situations like getting lost in the amazon or getting stranded in the desert or on a island surrounded by shark invested waters and survive. And the best part is, they're all true stories! Seriously, this show rocks and I now know how to survive if I'm ever stranded in an active volcanoe.

.7. How to solve crimes.
Monk is this detective show about a private detective with OCD. I'm pretty sure I could basically be a detective, thanks to Monk. I swear, this show is actually what made me pass my year nine science exam. One section was on forensics and I didn't even study it - I already knew it all thanks to Monk. Seriously. Best show ever.

And that's just the start! So, as you can see, TV is helpful in teaching me...stuff.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reasons I hate Christmas. (P.S If you really love Christmas you should probably not read this post. Unless your Christmas spirt is so strong that nothing can bring you down.)

Hello! How have you all been? You've probably forgotten all about this blog considering the amount of time it's been since I last wrote. And there's no good excuse for that because I'm had plenty of time, really. For example, all I did today was watch TV online, eat dry Froot Loops, listen to sad songs and feel sorry for myself for no actual reason. 

You know, I don't even have anything to blog about. I was just listening to Macy Gray's 'Don't Forget Me' and it was like my body just snapped awake and was like, 'okay, enough fun. Time to do something productive.' So here I am. Trying to do something productive. Okay. So here we go. I'll just write about interesting things.

There's nothing interesting to write about though.

School is over. So I have roughly six beautiful weeks of pure laziness and Tumblr surfing. And Christmas. Except I kind of hate Christmas. Hey, I'm going to write about why I hate Christmas! This year I spent a lot of time ranting to the girl who sat next to me about the stuff I hate and she loved it. She found it funny. Plus this is my blog so I get to write about whatever I want. So there.

Anyway. Reasons I hate Christmas. Here we go!

.1. Christmas trees.

Christmas trees used to be fun. My family always buys a real one. And I mean, that's fine. I even find the fake ones kind of tacky, plus, real ones smell good. And since I like naming things, I always secretly name our tree which is easier when it's real. (This year I named it Hazel. It definitely looks like a Hazel to me.) But now it just kind of sucks. We got a tree and wrestled it into the house, leaving a sticky trail of loose pine needles and stood it upright in the corner. We then spent about 15 minutes trying to get it straight, locked it into place and realized it was crooked. Very crooked. So we shoved some books under two of the corners of the tree stand and moved on.

Decorating. This was also kind of sucky. We realized too late the number of gaping holes in Hazel but did our best to cover them up with tinsel and lights. (What's the deal with tinsel, anyway? It's kind of ugly.) Some of the lights were broken so it's a little sparse but okay. The star is tipping sideways, the tinsel was forgotten and left off the tree and the decorations (most of them cardboard ones my siblings and I made as children) are constantly slipping off. We even tried to listen to Bing Crosby to bring up the Christmas mood! But we realized it was no use. None of us were really into this project. God. I mean, when Bing Crosby doesn't work, you know it's over.

So despite the real tree and the scent of pine and the traditional decorations, none of it really helped mask the truth. That our Christmas spirit kind of died a few years back and  that Hazel was really just a tree with holes that we'd mutilated, half heartedly decorated and would later kick to the curb when her pine needles turned brown and crunchy. It was just depressing.

 .2. Christmas parties.

Ohh, the agony. The work parties for the adults. The school parties thrown by people you don't care about from school for the kids. The family parties where your Uncle Bryan tells those lame knock knock jokes and then gets drunk and crashes on the couch. The neighbourhood parties. I mean, I just want to go home everyday and watch Confessions of a Shopaholic and Casablanca in peace and be anti social and Scrooge-like. Not stroll down the street to the neighbourhood party and chat awkwardly with people you barely know, where everyone is secretly wondering who the hell arranged this thing.

.3. The shops. 

The evilness of Christmas in a nutshell. The stores cram Christmas down your throat on September 1st. They string up the tinsel, set up the artificial trees, jam new products on shelves, set up carts of cards. 'Hey look! Christmas is coming up! Come buy our crap for people you hate and get in the spirit of XMAS! Get in the spirit! Get the spirit! GET IN THE SPIRIT!' Pardon me, but I prefer to get into the spirit of Christmas sometime in December. Also, I would like to go into a regular store and buy some bug spray without having a slightly maniacal shop assistant rush up and ask me whether I've bought Christmas gifts for my loved ones yet.

.4. Christmas movies.

Don't they suck? There are the classics, which are okay, like 'It's A Wonderful Life' and 'Miracle on 34th Street'. But then. Oh boy. Then come the remakes, the new ones, the animated ones. It's a cheap and tacky excuse to make lame movies that completely miss the point of Christmas. And the remakes always ruin the original.
.5. Political correctness.

Be careful how you decorate your yard this year, guys. I'd take down that Santa if I was you. That nativity scene is a big no-no. Oh, and those carols have to go. I mean, hey. You don't want to offend anyone.

It's ridiculous! You put up any decorations that symbolize YOU! Not a religion or cause you can't even spell. It's a free country and I'll put Santa's sleigh on my roof if I want to and you can't stop me! Not that I would ever do that. 

Anyway. I just think it's all stupid. It's like people go out looking for something to be offended by. My friend was told by her boss the other day to stop saying 'Merry Christmas' to customers since they might get offended. OFFENDED. It was a friendly saying! It doesn't mean, hey, here's my religion and my beliefs, I demand you follow them as well! It means 'Happy Holidays'. It shouldn't be an issue but it is. Everything is an issue today and you know what, it's just taking over Christmas. And those people who celebrate Christmas but get offended by the sight of a nativity scene? What are you celebrating? You know Christmas is about Jesus' birth, right? If you don't, what are celebrating? Ugh. I hate it all. We do so much to make everyone feel comfortable that we forget our own comfort. 

.6. Christmas shopping.

The madness begins the second the stores snap into Christmas-mode. It begins in September and doesn't end until December 25th. Or often early January. And it's crazy! Parents rush around ramming strollers over your feet, fights erupt over which mother gets the very last new Fairy-Princess Barbie doll, the stores are brimming with eager, desperate or smug shoppers. Oh and there's the whole gift thing. It's all about money. How much do you love me? 'Oh, you made me a photo album scrapbook thing  with all our precious memories in it? But...it didn't cost anything. Oh, I get it! You don't love me at all!'

Ahem. I'm sorry. I know I sound like a Scrooge. And I know I should just put all that behind me and be like 'Christmas is about spending time with your family and spreading the love'. And I'm all about that. (As long as nobody hugs me.) I really am. I could be into Christmas if it was, I don't know, genuine and true again. But the problem is that it's not that simple anyway. You can't avoid the stores or the carols or the newspaper articles arguing what's right and wrong when it comes to decorations. 

Anyway. Have a lovely holiday if you're celebrating one (check out how politically correct that was!) and hope you enjoyed this post despite the lateness and the hate. 

Promise to update soon,
Tess. x

Saturday, August 20, 2011


You know what I really like? Eavesdropping on strangers. I find it really interesting. A couple of weeks ago my sisters and I went to the movies. We were going down the escalators and there were three girls of about 12 years old going up the escalators.

Girl One: Hurry up, let's go! -starts running, Girl Two follows-
Girl Three: Wait! I have to finish telling you my story about the murder/birdbath/burger!

See, my eldest sister thought the third girl said birdbath. My other sister said she said murder. I insist she said burger. Isn't it weird how people hear different things? Here are some other conversations.

Friday afternoon, on the bus home. Two girls behind me.

Girl One: His handwriting is really small and cramped and thin. I think that means he is ruled by his head and not his heart, he keeps to himself and he has low self esteem but is like, really smart.
Girl Two: I don't get it. He's like, the most energetic person I know, he doesn't keep to himself.
Girl One: Wait, maybe vertical writing means lack of flexibility. I keep forgetting.
Girl Two: Fine, do my handwriting. -silence- (I think she was writing something down)
Girl One: Okay, you're open and friendly, easy going and artistic.
Girl Two: Yeah, that's good, see.
Girl One: How is Jamie supposed to ask me out if he has low self esteem? I'm not going to ask him out, that's such a gutsy move.
Girl Two: Lizzie asked Nick out.
Girl One: Lizzie B?
Girl Two: Yeah. She asked him out.
Girl One: Okay, but Lizzie is a total headcase. She's like, crazy bold.
Girl Two: Yeah, well now they're dating.
Girl One: She said she's going to break up with him if he doesn't grow taller.
Girl Two: Serious?
Girl One: Yeah, she said if he doesn't get taller she'll have to end it.
Girl Two: That is so shallow. I would never date a guy if I was just going to break up with him over something as meaningless as that.
Girl One: What about Jared?
Girl Two: That was different.

Friday afternoon, while getting onto the bus. A girl ran up behind me, catching up with her friend.

Running Girl (very excitedly): I made it! I thought I'd missed the bus!
Friend: Really? 
Running Girl: I made it! I am such a legend! Oh man, I'm such a legend, I almost missed the bus! (She was not a legend. It was a very long line and the bus had only just arrived. It was clear that it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.)
Friend: -laughs- Good job.
Running Girl: Legend. I am such a legend. I almost missed the bus.

Wednesday, lunchtime, in the library. Two girls fighting over something - a school project, I think.

Girl One: I did everything! You haven't done anything!
Girl Two: Why do we have to type it up?
Girl One: All we have to do is add some borders, God. Mar- Come back! We have to finish this!
Girl Two walks over and joins three other girls. Girl One sighs pointedly and keeps working. Then she stands up, marches over to the other girls, snatches a piece of paper out of Girl Two's hands and walks back to the computer.
Other Girls: "Whoa," "Calm down," "Mad, much?"

In all fairness, I thought one of them should've talked to her or helped her or something. Anyway. Wasn't that interesting? I think other people's conversations are interesting. Is that wrong, do you think? Should I stop listening in on conversations? Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey guys. So, I haven't updated in forever, I'm sorry! I know, I suck. My life has been awfully boring lately. Well here's something: the makers of solitaire suck. Here's what I think: you win, say, four games in a row so they deliberately give you a super hard one. And then, when you lose four games in a row? They throw you an insultingly easy one, like 'oh, hey, dumbo, maybe you better start off with an easy one, eh?' I think they're trying to annoy me on purpose.

For those of you who don't know, solitaire is a card game. You would think I could beat a card game, right? Because I'm so smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest? Wrong. Well, I am smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest but I also can't beat a card game. It is very frustrating. I've been playing solitaire for almost an hour now and I still haven't won a game. I almost always win solitaire. I think they've decided to punish me for being so great at the game. (Not so great now, obviously.)

Well. They won't get to me. I am fighting back. Now, when I lose a game, I'm going to click Reset Game and I will play that game until I win it. And so help me, if it takes all night then it takes all night. And I shall play until the game is defeated. Because I'm hardcore. And the makers of solitaire wish they were as hardcore as me.


My God, I am lame. Disregard this post and I'll update soon.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bruno Mars

So I guess if you like Bruno Mars or something you probably shouldn't read this. Let me just clear something up: I don't hate Bruno Mars. I don't hate anybody because it makes me feel bad (with the exception of Hitler*). But I strongly dislike him, or more his music I suppose. The reason I'm writing this post is because I just had a huge debate over Bruno Mars VS. The Beatles with a friend of mine. She loves BM and I love the Beatles. I mean, I love them. Basically she was all: "he's lyrics are so super duper sweet and meaningful...but I hate the Beatles. They have too much rhythm." Too much rhythm? WTF does that even mean? My argument was that it was fine if people liked Bruno Mars but my problem was that she hadn't even heard a Beatles song all the way through but she hates them with a passion. And that the Beatles have some really meaningful songs (eg. Let it be, Hey Jude, etc) so if it's meaning she's after, they have plenty. Anyway, it just got me thinking about Bruno Mars, so here it is.

I mean, okay, take 'Just The Way You Are'. Okay. Fine. Cute song, I get it. I heard it and I was like, sure, it's nice. Nothing special, but nice. I reported this back to my friend (the BM lover) and she demanded I watched the video because then I would 'fall in love' with it. So I watched the thing and I hated it. I hated it! What is with that video? It completely defeats the purpose of the song! I thought it was a sweet song because I got the message that she was just an average girl with some self esteem issues or whatever and he loved her anyway because that's what love is all about. But the girl in the video is freaking gorgeous. Well, of course you think she's beautiful, she's a damn supermodel. Why can't music videos and magazines just have ordinary girls in them? Or ordinary guys for that matter. So now every time I hear that song I just don't care because I don't really think it means anything.

And then Grenade, which I won't go on about for too long because everyone hates that song, it seems. But:
.1. Where the HELL are you, Bruno, that there are grenades flying around? And why is someone throwing grenades at the girl? Because if that's the case I'm going to say she had it coming.
.2. It sounds like they either broke up or were never together. If that's the case, he needs to move on. And why is he dragging a piano up the hill? That won't work Bruno! I don't think she broke up with you because you didn't pull a piano around.
.3. Really? I don't know but killing himself seems a bit excessive to me. She seems kind of bitchy to be honest. Maybe he should just eat some ice cream, cry a bit and then get a job and move on. This song makes absolutely no sense to me. At all.

And finally, the Lazy Song. WOW. I just listened to it. My friend was telling me about it (a different friend) and I was like, oh, that actually sounds like a cute song. Maybe I'll listen to it. So I did. Wow. It is disgusting. Have you guys listened to the lyrics? They're gross. The start was all chill and I was like, this is cool, I actually kind of like this. And then it went on. Ew. That doesn't sound so cute anymore, it sounds like a loser who only cares about sex. Seriously, go back and actually listen to the lyrics. They're playing this on the radio. Young teen girls are listening to this and singing it aloud. DO PEOPLE NOT LISTEN TO THE ACTUAL WORDS ANYMORE.

Flaxing hell. Sorry, maybe this post is a bit mean? I don't know. But Bruno Mars bugs me. And I mean, hey, cool if you like Bruno Mars. Yeah, he's talented. He has a nice voice. But I think his lyrics are stupid. Oh, and his smile bugs me too. It's kind of smug and arrogant, no? Anyway. This is just my opinion and I hope it didn't offend anyone.

On a separate note, I am really starting to hate those personal YouTube comments that are all over the place. I would like to listen to Forever Young/Hey Jude/whatever without scrolling down to hear about how this song reminds you of your dead grandmother/friend/dog. I'm sorry, I am, but I find it annoying. Way to make things awkward and sad. Literally, I just watched a video and EVERY SINGLE comment was something like: "R.I.P to my  little brother of 4 :'( I love you with all my heart. I love you James :'" Yes, that is sad. But it's annoying and to be honest, I think its tacky to post messages like this on the Internet. Disrespectful, even.

Anyway. Sorry, this post is quite mean, isn't it? I hate being mean, it makes me feel so guilty. Sorry. Well, I'm back to school in three days. Where did the holidays go?

 *I wrote a poem about Hitler for a school project. Do you want to hear it?
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Adolf Hitler,
I hate you.
Personally, I really think it has something but I don't know if my teacher would accept it so I wrote a different one. Let me know what you guys think about the original. You know, I used to just feel sorry for Hitler. But this semester we learned about the Holocaust and watched Chindler's List and it was just horrible. Truly, after every lesson I just felt nauseous. What a terrible time in history.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things to do Before I Die

Hellodily-odily! How are you guys? I'm okay-ish - school holidays are here but I never relax until my parents have seen my report card. So for now I just have this little nagging feeling gnawing at my flesh. Ew. That's creepy. ANYWAY. The title pretty much says it all. 

.1. Travel. (This is quite general, I know. It's just that I want to travel everywhere and see everything so this just sums it up.)

.2. Be in two places at once.*

.3. Publish a novel.

.4. Learn to play the flugelhorn.

.5. Learn to play the harmonica.

.6. Learn to ride a unicycle.

.7. Fall in love.

.8. Go apple/berry picking.

.9. Learn to juggle.

.10. Learn to walk on my hands.

.11. See a meteor shower.

.12. Throw a pot.

.13. Ride a horse in an empty field.

.14. Learn a foreign language.

.15. Write a song - like, a good one.

.16. Solve 1 mystery.

.17. Have 1 adventure.

.18. Finish every Nancy Drew book.

.19. See a Broadway musical.

.20. Smile at 100 strangers.

.21. Find a four-leaf clover.

.22. Make fire without matches.

.23. Save someones life.

.24. Witness a miracle.*

.25. Get a tattoo.

.26. Befriend someone I don't like.*

.27. Send a message in a bottle.

.28. Be in a food fight.

.29. See the oldest turtle in the world.

.30. Sleep under the stars.

.31. Go up in a hot air balloon.

.32. Learn to skip stones.

.33. Grow a garden.

.34. Swim with dolphins.

.35. Photograph an endangered species.

.36. Scuba in the Great Barrier Reef.

.37. Attend a music festival in another country.

.38. Climb an active volcano.

.39. Live like a local for a month in another country.

.40. Set foot on each of the 7 continents.

.41. Visit a blues bar in Chicago.

.42. Give flowers to strangers.

.43. Go skydiving.

.44. Go on a holiday with no luggage.

.45. Ride a giant roller coaster.

.46. Watch the sun rise.

.47. Watch the sun set.

.48. Fly a kite.

.49. Build a tree house.

.50. Ride a motorcycle.

.51. Swim with sharks.

.52. Do a handstand on the South Pole. No wait for it...I'd be holding up the world. Get it!?

.53. Master one really cool magic trick.

.54. Visit really famous musuems and art galleries.

.55. Visit really unknown musuems and art galleries.

I'm sure I will add more to the list as life goes on, but for now this is my List of Things to do Before I Die.

* Taken from A Walk to Remember, book by Nicholas Sparks and movie with Mandy Moore. Ha, I just sounded like an advertisement.

See ya later, alligator!
(Please note that this is the point where you say, 'after awhile, crocodile!')

Saturday, June 18, 2011



So. I totally just scared myself. No, I mean I scared myself.* Literally. I was just sitting on the couch yesterday, minding my own business, reading a book and half listening to my Aunt's conversation with my brother and sister. So, I guess not really minding my own business. I zoned in when my brother began to tell a short story he read (I don't remember who it was by. Let me know if you want to know and I'll ask my brother) about this guy in an insane asylum? And this woman went to visit some relative of hers there, and she met the guy and she was like, why is he even here, he seems completely normal. And she asks one of the employees and they go: oh, yeah, he strangled a woman on a bike one day and he's been here ever since. So anyway, she goes home but she keeps writing letters and trying to get him out and stuff because she thinks he's sane or something? I don't know. Anyway, finally he is released from the asylum and he tips his hat and smiles and says goodbye to the employees and stuff and walks away all happy to meet the woman. And about 20 minutes later, he walks straight back in, still happy, still smiling and admits himself again. And down the street there's a strangled woman in a ditch! Spooky, eh?

Now, when I heard this, I was like: what a psycho! That's creepy. And then we got into a conversation about the Twilight Zone. But anyway. Like most scary things, that story wasn't so scary during the day time. But last night, it was super late and my sister and I were watching all these Gilmore Girls episodes (oh hush, I like the show, okay?) and she [my sister] goes: "I think I might sleep here tonight, (meaning the lounge), because I'm too tired to go back to my room and plus, that story today kind of freaked me out." WELL. Zoom, goes my brain, straight to that story! All the details flooded my mind! How happy he was! The strangling! The way he tipped his hat! And I just about freaked. Don't worry, I played it cool. Cool as a cucumber. Cool as a cat. Cool as a cucumber-eating Cat. Yeah, I just capitalized 'cat'. That's how cool I was. I was just like, "oh yeah, I might sleep here too because it's really comfortable here on my couch." But really I just didn't want to sleep in my room alone. So I raced to my room and grabbed my blanket and then ran back to the lounge room with my heart slamming against my ribcage and all I could think was 'holy crap he's right behind me and he's going to freaking strangle me and oh my Lord, I can feel his hands on my neck!' As you can see, I was a little over imaginative to say the least.

ANYWAY. So I set up a bed on the couch and just as I'm getting sleepy my sister gets up and tells me she's moving back to her room. Because she has this thing where she can't sleep unless she's on her bed. And there was no way in hell I was going to stand up and move back to my room because the guy would grab my legs and pull me under the couch. So I just said goodnight and stayed in the lounge. I thought it was no big deal. I could get back to sleep right? Hell no. I spent 30 minutes whipping my head around the room every few seconds to make sure nothing was going to eat me. Or strangle me. Or abduct me. Or murder me. Or whatever. So after about the fortieth time of practically breaking my neck from checking over my shoulder, I got the courage to move to the other side of the couch where I could see all around the room. I then spent about two hours keeping guard. It was probably around 3 or 4am when I finally dropped off. It was the scariest two hours of my life. I swear. My mouth was dry, my legs to shaking, my hands were clammy and my senses were like, ten thousand times more alert. But I'm still alive. I am such a survivor.

And here's the thing. The story itself isn't that scary. It really isn't. It was the details that freaked me out: the tipping of the hat, to be specific. It gives me chills. I don't know why. And the other thing was that I conjured up the image of the guy - in my mind, he is wearing a bowl hat and plaid jacket (God knows why) and...this is such a weird thing to write...he has no eyes. Yep. No eyes. I mean, where his eyes should be? Just black holes. And he's still smiling. TELL ME THAT DOESN'T CREEP YOU OUT. Why do I do that? I kept telling myself, don't picture him, don't picture him, don't retell the story to yourself, don't retell the story to yourself, picture daffodils, picture Bambi, picture daffodils, picture Bambi. And what do I do? I picture the guy. I retell the story. Daffodils what? Bambi who? What is wrong WITH ME? Eyeless??

Back to my first line, I literally did just scare myself. I went into the bathroom to wash my hands because I just made meringues* and my hands were sticky and I was thinking, oh, holy macaroons, if there are any holy macaroons out there please don't let him be in the ceiling watching me. And then I turned around and found myself face to face with myself in a mirror. I jumped about a mile and let out a tiny squeal. Therefore, I literally just scared myself. I can't believe I just told you a whole story and told you a creepy image just to end up with me scaring myself.

Anyway. I'm really sorry if I scared anyone out there. I know that might sound silly because I get so pathetically scared of such things but if I did, I apologize. Try not to send any excessive hate mail, 'kay? Again, sorry.

And on that super happy note, I bid you farewell.

P.S You know what is entirely weird? I think I'm actually going to read the story. My brother has it in his room somewhere. Why would I want to read a story that has scarred me for life?? I read somewhere that we watch scary movies and read stories because it gives us, like, an adrenaline rush? And its like a controlled fear? So I guess that makes sense. Because I have this theory that we need an adrenaline rush every now and again. And I'm too scared of heights to actually go skydiving or whatever even though it's on my List of Things to do Before I Die.  Look how important that looks, all bold and underlined and italicized. Read it in a booming voice, just for me, okay? Oh, right: I'm too scared of heights to actually go skydiving or whatever so I guess I need to read scary stuff in order to get my dose of adrenaline.

PP.S Do you think I'm crazy? For being so scared of this? And being scared that he gonna like, grab my ankles or watch me from the ceiling? I don't know. I have a really, really, super over-active imagination so maybe I just over-scare (word?) myself.

* I used a lot of italics and underlines and even a bit of boldness in this post because I really felt the need to show you guys the seriousness of my fear. Actually, I use italics and underline and bold and capitals a lot because I like the dramatic touch.
* I make super good meringues. Seriously.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh, you guys - I am so sorry. Lately I've just been posting whiny/rant-y(?) posts. I just...have a lot on my mind so sometimes I just have to get it out, you know? I am sorry though, so please, if you are sick of my rants skip this post! This is an advanced warning!

So. Teachers. Two days ago my geography teacher gave me back my exam - 58%. Yep. I know, I'm a regular Einstein eh? Well anyway, he had one end of the exam and I had the other (as he was passing it to me) and he wouldn't let go. So we're just standing there like some kind of frozen tug-a-war and I'm giving him this look like 'can I have my exam or what?' And he gives me the most infuriating look and goes: 'Less novels, more geography.' Now, I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I am a big reader. I can read 2-3 novels a day. I absolutely love reading, and not just teenage books. I've been reading adult books and old books for a long time. So I guess I'm kind of well known for it in my year level. I bring books to school too, that's why my geography teacher knew I read a lot.

Now. Onto why that comment he made bothers me so much. What does he know about me? I'm just a face that he sees a couple of times a week amongst the hundreds of faces he sees every single day at school. It was really just the way he said it, so smug and warning (if that is possible)...argh, I can't explain. But what does he know about me or my study habits? I studied hard for geography. I'm not saying I did my absolute best, but I tried. I could have done better (see my post on studying for exams) but I did try. I learnt and memorized every single thing on his revision list. But geography simply doesn't interest me and things that don't interest me just fall out of my head. I  don't plan on taking geography next year and most of the things they teach us just don't matter. At what point in my life will I be held at gunpoint and told to label a diagram of a billabong? Yeah, okay, I get the whole general knowledge-current events thing but seriously? The stuff they teach is useless. And by the way, is that even allowed? Are you even allowed to tell someone to stop reading good literature?

Back to my teacher - I really can't explain. It just made my blood boil. Excuse me, but I did not read for two weeks in preparation for exams. Granted, I did not replace much of this spare time with studying but I certainly didn't read and that was hard for me. Reading is one of the few things that relaxes me and if you ask me, that's important in a time of stress...say exams?! And "less novels, more geography"? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Does he mean prepare more for tests? Or does he mean in general, start replacing novels with textbooks! Explain yourself Mr.M because I don't understand. And judging from my classmate's scores, maybe our personal interests aren't the problem, maybe it's the teacher. (Ooh, touchy subject.)

Ahem. So that was the one account that really got me thinking. I was planning this post in class (no wonder I practically fail exams) and it sounded  a lot better in my head. But as soon as I start writing I just go off on a rant. Sorry. But teachers in general are really starting to bother me. Personally, I think the role of a teacher is more then just teaching. They are also role models. The role of a teacher has many factors:

"To actively promote inclusion, equality and diversity; to create a safe learning environment for all students; to work within the legislative requirements and codes of practice, all in the terms of the Teaching Training Cycle':
- Identify Needs
- Plan and Design
- Deliver
- Assess
- Evaluate"

If you feed a person's sense of curiosity and nurture that desire to learn then we will want to learn. If you present material in an engaging manner, ask us questions and let us THINK not regurgitate...then we will not stop learning. Having said that, my teachers just don't seem to be doing this. They teach us to memorize, not think.

Oh, man. I just reread that. I sound like such a bitch. This is coming across the wrong way - I'm not saying it's all my teachers fault. I take responsibility, I should have studied harder and put more time and effort in. And many teachers are good - great, in fact. I appreciate their time and effort and all. But...ugh, do you know what I mean? Some teachers just really...bug me. The way they treat students. For instance, I'm obviously having trouble in geography. But instead of blaming my love of literature why not just give me extra help in class?

Oh, I sound like such a whiny brat. I'm sorry. I really hope this makes sense.

See ya.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Guess who finished exams? ME! Granted, I can't say I'm confident about all of them but the point is they are over. No more. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Until, you know, November for end of years but whatever. So for the past couple of weeks I've been a little stressed. Because for the first week I was like: okay, time to study! I'm so going to ace these exams! But I couldn't bring myself to study. I can't explain it. I had nothing else to do, my books were set out, I was totally ready to study...and I just couldn't. I would open a textbook, read a line and just stop. Then I'd feel guilty about not studying and guilt is the worst feeling. I think my guilt-factor is a lot higher then others. For instance: my mother used to have a rule where we could only watch two television programs a day. One day, I watched ten minutes extra. I was so overcome by guilt I immediately went and told my mother who obviously didn't care and was kind of like, um, ten minutes? So? Anyway. So I felt really guilty about not studying.

As for the second week, well, that was actually exam week. This was the exam timetable:
Monday: geography and English
Tuesday: maths (technology free) and science
Wednesday: maths (technology active) and history
Thursday: french and religion
So. On the Sunday before exam week, I studied geography. To be honest, I didn't really study English because I can kind of get good marks without studying. I'm a real humanities person. Then on Monday night, I studied maths and science, Tuesday night I studied maths and history and on Wednesday night I studied french and science. Here's how I think I went:

Maths: fail, fail. I can't grasp the concept of maths, simple as that.

Geography: pretty good.

English: good.

History: good....but my teacher is an incredibly hard marker. The class average is fifty. I got 51% on my practice history essay. I don't mean to sound conceited, seriously, but that was a good essay. History is my best subject and I have to admit, I was a tad devastated with the mark. But I think I do pretty okay on the exam. As long as I'm in the class average, I can tell it would be a good score had any other teacher been marking it...does that make sense?

Science: fail. We did chemistry (oh, remember my post on chemical equations? Pretty much sums it up), motion and electricity. All of these topics are like maths and science combined. You do the maths....pun intended.

French: not great, but okay.

Religion: fine. Religion is like English.

Alright, I've been debating on whether or not to post this as it's pretty boring - I mean, it's just about my exams. That is kinda lame. However, it is my blog and I get to whine and brag if I want to, so suck it up! But because I am generous, here is a picture I hope will make up for the boring post:

Oh, like that didn't make your day. I think I'll do a post on Twilight some other time but not now because I'm lazy. But I have to say, I actually really like Robert Pattinson. NOT TWILIGHT. Do not misunderstand me. I like Cedric Diggory and Robert Pattinson. I'll explain further in the Twilight post.

Now I'm going to get something to eat and continue watching Clueless online.You know what I just realized? Her teacher is Vizzini from the Princess Bride! I totally love that movie!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I hate being shy

I've been shy my all life. I mean, really shy. People always smile when they talk about being shy, like it's just a phase that kids grow out of. But to me it feels like having a mental illness. I'm so scared of what to say and if I say something wrong that I end up not saying anything at all. And if I do say something longer then a few sentences, everyone looks and is all: 'I've never heard you talk this much!' And it just shuts me up straight away and I feel painfully self conscious. And then I worry that people think I'm a freak or a snob or stuck up. It makes me worry to the point of stomach aches and anxiety. It's exhausting. I loose friends because of it. I barely talk to my family. Social events are agonizing. I can't be with people and I can't go off on my own because then I feel guilty for being so anti social. I feel hopeless.

Whenever someone at school talks to me, my stomach clenches up and my palms go clammy. It's ridiculous. I mean, it is REALLY RIDICULOUS. I'm fifteen. Fifteen. It's pathetic. I hate it, but it's not like I hate being alone. I feel lonely sometimes, sometimes it just hits me how alone I am. But in general, I'm okay. I'm okay with spending lunchtimes in the library and hiding from parties - but no one else is. People come up to me to start pity conversations, my parents tell me to talk to more people, my teachers say I need more self confidence on my report cards and that I need to speak up in class. I can't have a conversation with my dad anymore because he interrupts me about 5 words in to lecture me on speaking loudly and clearly. And he lectures LOUDLY and CLEARLY so everyone can hear and it's just awful. I wish people would just drop it. I'm shy. That's all there is to it.

I'm really not making sense, am I? I've felt that my shyness is causing me to miss out on life and friendships. And I have had many people assume that I am snobby because I'm shy, which hurts my feelings. I have a few friends but it's not like I eat lunch with them, it's more just class friends. And I mean, I loosen up with them. I'm okay when someone approaches me and I get to know them. I tend to surprise people when they get to know me - they never expect me to be sarcastic or 'crazy'. I think they like that side of me a lot better which makes me feel bad again. If I wasn't shy, how many more friends would I have? Friends who knew that side of me?

I have a hard time asking for what I want, speaking to strangers, expressing my opinion in class, and calling anyone on the telephone. I know that sounds sort of lame, but shyness is taking away my life. I can't do anything. I can't cope.

 Geez. I'm just sick and tired of being shy. It's exhausting.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Balancing chemical equations

So, we're doing chemistry in science at the moment which I totally don't get. I mean, I'm just saying, in my future as a journalist and travelling around the world at what point am I going to feel the need to balance a few chem equations? I hate chemistry so much. We already tried this last year, and I didn't get it then. I just thought, oh well, it's all over now. Wrong. It has surfaced again in Year Ten. I am yet to see it's value. I don't like it and I don't get it and I hate that other people are all: "ha ha, chem is so easy! I'm totally going to ace this test!"

And of course, my friend who I sit next to in chem absolutely loves it. I mean, she does not stop. Every lesson she goes on about how much she loves chemistry. I mean, geez, I love History but I don't exactly die of excitement over an essay on World War 2, now do I? And granted, maybe I would at least grasp the concept if I didn't spend my science classes thinking about how cool it would be if I could fly and if I had a pet spider monkey. But still. I am a humanities person. I like English and Literature and Music and History. Not maths and science and geography.

So anyway. Here I am, on a Saturday night, Googling (I turn to Google in my times of need) how to balance chemical equations. I found a helpful sight which helped quite a bit so I think I can at least get a 50 on my chem test which is this Wednesday. Wish me luck.

Over and out.

Annoying sayings

Some expressions don't make sense. Some expressions are stupid. Some expressions are confusing. And some expressions are just plain annoying.

.1. Better late then never.
What if the doctor arrives late and the guy is dead?

.2. Rules were meant to be broken.
Rules were made to be followed, moron. The only people who say this are people who either got caught or want someone else to get caught.

.3.The pen is mightier then the sword.
Bring it. We'll see what happens when I slice off your hands.

.4. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Yeah, I'm so sure people tell themselves this when they are trapped in a fiery fire that surrounds them when they're 18 stories up.

.5. Like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Who the hell looks for a needle in a haystack? Why did they have a needle in a barn? Why do they even have a barn? Just go buy a new needle, it's probably like, 2 cents.

.6. What's done is done.
Thanks Captain Obvious!

.7. Life is short.
Life is the longest damn thing you can experience . Shut up.

.8. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.
If you've told me once, you've told me once. Learn to count.

.9. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
I fail to see the worth of two birds in any bush. Or one in the hand for that matter. I hate birds.

.10. If it's not one thing it's another.
Brilliant. You truly have a genius mind. How on earth did you figure that one out?

.11. Get your goat.
I don't get it. What goat?

.12. No offence.
 Saying "no offense" does not make the offensive statement non-offensive or acceptable.When somebody uses that phrase, they are tacitly saying, "I know what I am about to say will offend you but I'm going to say it anyway". So basically, they're saying, "I'm going to be rude and I don't care what you think".

.13. You just want to have your cake and eat it too.
Damn straight. Cake is delicious, of course I want to eat it. 

.14. You're never fully dressed without a smile.
And yet, I appear to be clothed. I'll frown if I want to.

These are the phrases that attack me late at night and stab my mind with several forks.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dodge ball.

My class played dodge ball today. For those of you lucky enough to not have heard of dodge ball, it's basically a game with two teams who throw rubber balls at each other. You get hit, you're out. You win when all the members of the opposing team are out.  I happen to hate dodge ball, which may or may not have something to do with the fact that I'm the most un-coordinated person to walk on Earth. Like, ever. But how do people even like dodge ball? All you do is get hit in the head with a ball. It's painful. And humiliating. And full of shame.

When it comes to dodge ball, there are two kinds of people in the world: those who love dodge ball and those who hate it.

I hate it.

My main aim in dodge ball is to GET OUT. If I get out, I don't have to play. I admit, I'm not the most team-spirited person, but this is honestly for the GOOD of the team. It's much, much better if I'm not on a team. Trust me.

I used to have a simple, strategic game plan when playing dodge ball. It was called: hide behind someone tall (and preferably athletic) so you don't die.It was pretty clever, if I do say so myself. And it worked too, until I discovered the flaw. Because if you hide behind people for the whole game, you don't get hit and if you don't get hit, you don't get out, and if you don't get out, you stay in. And that meant I was generally the last person on my team. Now. You may not realize the seriousness of this situation so let me explain. I don't play sports. I am just not coordinated. So, when I'm the last one on my team, it means the ENTIRE team is depending on me - and I can't even get the ball over the line, let alone hit someone with it. My arms are weak as...as...as something really weak. So they're all standing on the sidelines screaming at me to throw the ball! Throw the ball! And I walk up to the line, all weak and pathetic and throw the ball as hard where it lands at the feet of the other team who then hurl it back at me. This goes on about five to seven more times before the teacher finally takes pity on me and announces the other team wins. It's very embarrassing.

So today I was like, ha, screw that game plan! It's time for Plan B! Which was called: stand in the middle of the field and don't move. So, I just stood there for awhile, practising my British accent to myself and I STILL don't get hit. And I'm just thinking to myself: I am just standing here. I am literally a damn target. How has the ball NOT HIT ME YET? 

It's like I'm invincible! Which would rock if I didn't suck so much at dodge ball!

Is this just me? Because, I swear, everyone else just seems to adore dodge ball. What's the appeal? Doesn't anyone know that we are actually made of extremely brittle bones from lack of calcium and should not be touched by ANYTHING? Including dodge balls?? Ladies and gentleman, I implore you!

Oh. And we all hate that one kid who takes dodge ball way too seriously.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blogging. And also, turtles.

So, I suck. At blogging, that is. I blanked on my many opinions (of course) and I didn't have anything to write about. I thought I should post about my day but my life is too boring to be considered blog worthy. So finally, as a last resort I went to Google (ah, faithful Google) for some suggestions. I stumbled upon a site called: 5 Simple Ways to Open Your Blog Post With a Bang. Well, I've already opened my blog but I thought it was better then nothing. So let's begin.

1. Ask a Question
Opening your post with a question is a rhetorical device (hence, the “rhetorical question”) that creates curiosity and gets the reader thinking. Thinking equals active engagement with your writing, and that’s a very good thing.

What's better then a question? A rhetorical question! Because you don't have to actually think to answer it! Here is a rhetorical question: aren't turtles great? That's a rhetorical question because of course turtles are great. It is an obvious answer.

.2. Share an anecdote or quote
Anecdotes are quick stories that can make people laugh or immediately establish the main point of your post. A nice quote from a recognizable authority or famous person can also work wonders when holding attention in those crucial opening seconds.

Anecdote? Um, okay - last night I was on the computer. I was just wasting time and looking at pictures of turtles when my mum came in and told me to go to bed. I told her I was doing homework and she let me stay on. Isn't that humorous? Quote: 
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." — Dr. Seuss

3. Invoke the Mind’s Eye
Producing a mental image in a reader’s mind is one of the most powerful things you can ever do as a writer, so expressly engaging the imagination is a powerful opening technique. Activate the mind’s eye of the reader by using words like “imagine,” “picture this,” “do you remember when,” etc.

Picture this: a turtle.


4. Use an Analogy, Metaphor or Simile
Analogies, metaphors and similes are some of the most powerful devices available when it comes to telling a story in a single sentence. This is a great way to capture a reader’s attention and also acts to provoke mental imagery that allows readers to tell a story to themselves.

If this blog could swim it would be as fast as a sea turtle. Bam, simile.
In relation to my slow walkers post: turtles walk so slow,you are going the same speed as the turtle. Bam, metaphor. Isn't this capturing your attention?


5. Cite a Shocking Statistic
Starting off with an interesting factoid is also a great technique. People love being provided with interesting data, but only if it is unique, startling, or even shocking. The statistic should also be directly relevant to the point of your post as well.

Turtles have been on the earth for more than 200 million years. They evolved before mammals, birds, crocodiles, snakes and even lizards.


And now, I will leave you with this: 

You're welcome!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Two days ago it was Easter. Yay.

Well, I'm Catholic so of course I know the religious meaning of Easter and I like that. You know, it's nice. But I don't like actual Easter. Here are some reasons why.

- All our relatives come over and it's just not fun. I just don't fit in because they are my family and I don't fit in with my family but if I don't talk then I feel anti social and that makes me feel guilty.

- The Easter Bunny. Seriously, what the hell? Looking back, the Easter Bunny is creepy as hell. A giant rabbit hides eggs in your house or yard, then you hunt for them and when you find them you have an egg. And where the heck does this guy get the eggs? Does he lay them? That's a valid question. Isn't that with all holidays - DON'T EVER EVER EVER EVER TAKE CANDY FROM  A STRANGER....unless he's an overgrown rabbit or a man who comes down your chimney!

- When I was younger, one of my close friends swore up and down that she had seen the Easter Bunny one Easter. She said he was huge and grey with striped overalls on. Now, before this tale, I had always quite liked the EB. In my mind, he was big and bright blue with a bubble gum pink stomach. But after hearing her description of the EB, I suddenly freaked out. For some bizarre reason, this was the scariest thing I had ever heard and from then on, I hated the EB and his damn overalls.

-I hate the commercials and chocolate and advertisings plastered everywhere. Yes, chocolate is delicious. But don't over do it. Geez, supermarkets set up chocolate eggs in January these days! I'm sick of Easter before it even starts every year.

- I hate ham. I'm a peskitarian (eh, I'll post a different blog about that) and every year my family buys a huge ham. It makes me feel sick. Ham is just so...ew.

And those are a few reasons why I hate Easter. And also, because I am a pessimist, so a lot of stuff sucks. But happy Easter and I hope yours was better then mine!

Peace, Tess. xx

I have followers!

Today I logged in to find I have followers! Maybe I sound pathetic, but I was beyond excited. I can't believe it. I wanted to send all of you a message but it was all: sign in! And I signed in. But it still wouldn't let me because the universe hates me - just know, if I could, I would send you all a message.

You guys are amazing and I didn't know I would get this many views this soon, let alone followers. Thanks you guys. =)

Peace, Tess. xx

Friday, April 15, 2011

Teen Magazines

You know what I hate? When you sharpen your pencil and then it snaps. But even more then that, teen magazines. I think it's cool that they made something to encourage teenagers to read, but seriously, why is so much of it so stupid? It's all about guys, makeup tips, hair, guys, love advice, horoscopes, quizzes and guys. What's with that? Personally, I just find it insulting that they think all we care about is what nail polish is in. I think it really creates an unhealthy image about how a girl is "supposed" to look, act, feel, etc. And most of the time, it only covers mainstream culture, so girls who happen to not like Twilight and don't wear the latest shoes tend to be alienated.

First of all the magazines make it seem like the point of life is to get a man. "How to get HIM interested." "What HE likes best." I have an idea. How about teaching girls that you shouldn't change yourself to get a guy and teaching them that a relationship needs respect and communication from both sides. They write entire lists and articles on what to do and then tell you at the end to "just be yourself!" How can you be yourself when they've just given you 20 things that are completely not you guaranteed to get you a hot guy. 

Also, some of the writing really gets dumbed down, like limited vocabulary, repetitive material, and an excess of exclamation points. Makes you feel as dumb as they think you are.

Then they devote too much time to fashion and makeup. Oh, yeah, I get it, I get it. That's what us girls are into. And yeah, I like fashion. I like shopping and clothes. But I don't want to flip through 50 pages of 'makeup tips' and how to get new hairstyles.There are so many features on how to look great, be it with these clothes, this makeup, that hairstyles. But shouldn't the message be about being yourself and learning what really matters? I'm sick of seeing these articles, like it's all that matters. Occasionally you see a good article on eating disorders or something but then you turn the page and there's a page of some skinny girl that we will never look like.I know that girls like to experiment with makeup and clothes, that's fine, and sometimes these magazines have good tips. But...why so much?

Oh, and then there is how they desperately try to keep up with the times, with 'cool' lingo.Everything from 'groovy' to 'rents' is used constantly to make it sound like they're down with the times. I just think it sounds like the writers are psychos who watch too much of the Brady Bunch. I mean, I really hope no one comes up to me and goes 'hey, let's go partay with our BFFs and meet some hotties.' I would probably die laughing and then cry for humanity.

It's a vicious cycle. Teenage girls read these magazines, act out what it says, and the magazines keep printing out the same garbage because it's what the girls respond to. Meanwhile, we aren't being exposed to anything remotely challenging, new or interesting in school and people keep trying to convince us that magazines IS reading! So a majority of us don't expand our minds or think beyond what these magazines tell us.

I get that girls like these magazines. And there's nothing wrong with a little girl time, to get some new hair tips. But I think these magazines should be giving girls real advice and useful information instead of the same, useless crap again and again. And then they turn around and go on about how the younger generation doesn't read good literature or listen to good music.

End rant.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

High school sucks. Also, it's full of fakes.

It seems going to school has made most of the people stupider, as I suspected. I can't even start to think about where to start writing about all the things that suck about  high school. The teachers? The carbon copy clone students? The constant pressure? The endless days?

Let's start with sport, my most hated pastime. It's no lie that I'm not particularly sporty. You can probably tell by just looking at me. I can just feel the P.E teachers sizing me up. 'Look at those weak arms', they think to themselves, 'this must be the girl all the sport teachers are talking about. The one who trips on air and passes the ball to the other team.' Already they hate me. And to be honest, they have reason to. I can injure someone by just looking at a piece of sporting equipment. Pathetic.

And then there's the teachers. Is there ever a really good one? Rarely. I'm yet to come across one. First there are those spiteful ones - is that a student laughing? Quick - put them on the spot and humiliate them! And then there are the slowest talkers ever. My maths teacher takes about 501 years to tell us what to do for homework.
"So, probably the -ah- best, er thing, to, ah, do at the moment, is to try your hand at...ah...shall we the say...6th? No! Silly me! No, the 7th...yes, the 7th exercise of, ah, er, ah, chapter 2." And it's the biggest waste of time because not one single person does the maths homework. I feel like yelling something at them. For e.g. HURRY UP.

And let's not forget the students! I can't handle the many obnoxious, shallow, narrow-minded people. All I see are people who can't think for themselves, and it seriously irritates me.They're so scared of just being themselves and it's ridiculous. 6 years of your life, wasted. Gone. Because you refused to think for yourself. What should they write on your grave? 'Here lies such and such, she had good hair and always wore the right clothes'? Do these people think their classmates will go home and think about how great Janey's hair looked today? I can't make it through one day without glaring at people's backs in the hallway, thinking about how much I detest them. (I can see the entrance to hell already.) It's horrible, I know, but it's just everything about them. Everyone is just so fake and they're all like clones or something, the main priority is fitting in. They just hide in the shell of a stranger to scared to step out. I'm not saying it's easy to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in but ack, it's just so infuriating to see these people 5 days a week. Rage.

And that's my pessimistic tale for the day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Loud Breathers

Loud breathers annoy me. And I don't mean people who have a cold or allergies, but people who just do this all the time.

I regret to tell you my very own father is a loud breather. The worst case I have ever seen. Heard? Whatever the case, it drives me insane. I mean, it is really bad. Incredibly loud. Unbearably loud. I mean, I can hear it from rooms away. That can't be healthy. I literally cannot stand it - I don't know what it is about loud breathing that makes my blood boil but I can't stand it. I have to leave the room or block my ears as discreetly as possible.Gah. Probably my biggest pet peeve ever.

It's okay if your a loud breather though. We can still be friends. We just...won't talk to each that often, okay?

Peace, Tess. xx

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Confession time

Okay. Confession time - I kind of love words. It's weird. I love the way they string together to make sentences, to make stories. Words are powerful. They build things up, they tear things down. When words are read, to me they aren't just characters and nouns and verbs. They are thoughts, feelings, emotions that help inspire, encourage and motivate.

Words can change everything. Three little words that can mean so much - 'I love you.' How often do we say these words? Three words carry so much emotion. Its a little bizarre when you think about it.

I like to think of words like flowers. You plant a tiny seed in the ground. One word. And over time, with care, that seed grows into a little green plant, just poking it's head out of the earth. A sentence. And eventually it blossoms into a  full, beautiful flower. A poem, a story, a song.

So there's a (sort of) logical reason for why I love words. And the not so logical part? My favourite words. I have no real reason for loving these words, but I do.

Artichoke. Atrocious. Astounding. Hyperbole. Zephyr. Gossamer. Wisteria. Alas. Poetic. Come on, say them! Trust me. It's fun.

And now you know my weird love for words. Obviously, I am a freak. And also, if you tell anyone about this I will deny it!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Letter to my neighbours

Dear Neighbours,

Hi! How are you? I'm fine. Anyway, don't worry. Your party last night totally didn't add to my insomnia issues. No, seriously, I think I've actually adapted to the yells and audible conversations and late night karaoke sessions. Maybe its to do with the fact that you've had a party at least twice a week ever since I was eight? Anyway. Your party last night sounded hoppin'! I loved the drunken karaoke. I especially enjoyed your rendition of 'anyone else but you'. I really like that song. I liked it even more at a high pitched, slurred volume. 2 thumbs up!

Anyway, just letting you know that you don't have to worry about waking me up. Really, it's no problem. Even at 4am. Really. I mean it.

Sincerely, Your neighbour.


I usually hate emoticons. And abbreviations, like 'lol' or 'omg'. Especially when people use them in real life - you're off the computer! There is no need to use those! You can just laugh. Or draw a regular smiley face. It's okay. You won't die.

I use about two emoticons: =] and ♥.

I don't know if the heart counts. Anyway, I use the smiley face because I'm a sort of sarcastic person. And by 'sort of' I mean very. But I'm not trying to be mean by being sarcastic so sometimes I add a smiley face in an attempt to show this. And I just like hearts. They're pretty.

And something that bugs me about 'lol'? You can say almost anything and then add 'lol' at the end - and the other person can't get mad at you! Because it was clearly just a joke! It's like writing "you suck. lol." Yeah....the 'lol' doesn't take away the insult. Another thing is that 'lol' has just become a place holder. Whenever I talk to someone online, it generally goes like this:

Me: Hi!
Other person: Oh, hi!
Me: How are you?
Other person: Good. How about you?
Me: I'm okay.
Other person: lol.

You know what I mean? That said, it doesn't make me like a person any less. It's okay when people use it online when their being genuine, like at a joke or if they say something that's actually funny. That's fine - just the above examples that annoy me. Okay, that's all.

Peace, Tess. xx


Ah, vampires. Twilight is the word that comes to mind. No, no, don't worry. I'll save my rant on Twilight for another day. This is just about me and how I appear to be a vampire. Gather around and I will tell a story.

A couple of years ago a girl in my class suddenly decided I was a vampire. Really. No, really. Despite my telling her again and again, that no, I was not a vampire, her mind was made up. She based her theory on the following:

- I rarely ate lunch. And as everyone knows, since vampires are dead they need no food or water to survive. (Actual reason - I happen to be very self conscious about eating in front of others. And I don't really get that hungry at school. I usually just have a big afternoon tea if I'm hungry when I get home.)

- I'm pale. I must be dead! To some extent! (Actual reason - some of my relatives are Irish. I have dark hair and pale skin. So sue me.)

- I don't get that much sleep, as I've previously explained. But then vampires don't sleep either...it's all adding up! (Actual reason - Yeah, just see my post on sleep. =])

- I have excellent balance. Wait, what? No, I don't. I'm the clumsiest person ever! Her logic made no sense.

And that is why I am clearly a vampire. Except for the part where I'm not.

Peace, Tess. xx

Sleep is messing me up

I just spent about 20 minutes writing a post on the word 'atrocious' which is my favourite word. Then I read it over and realized it was terrible. I promptly deleted it. The lack of sleep is getting to me! Pretty soon I'm going to be stumbling around with purple shadows under my eyes and chugging coffee. SIGH.

Peace, Tess. xx


I used to be able to go to sleep late and wake up early. I loved it. It never caught up with me, I never got tired.

Now, I can't fall asleep. Literally. My usual drop off is around 4 or 5am but sometimes I just don't go to bed. I stay up all night and then I usually fall asleep at 6 or 7am. It makes me very disorientated. Last night, I fell asleep briefly on the couch and my sister woke me up, asking if I knew where the mascara was. I remember nothing, but she told me I stumbled around my room before just going back to sleep. Yeah. So weird.

And tonight. The one night I'm sleepy at night time, the one time I think 'hey, I might actually go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up in the morning, not afternoon!' my dad chooses tonight to snore. Oh, joy. And I'm not talking about regular snoring - oh no, I'm talking about the kind of snores that sound like a cow stuck between an ambulance and a chainsaw factory. That was harsh. But true - hey, I'm the victim here. I can hear it through the walls. I can hear it through my pillow, through my fingers jammed in my ears. Hence, I am now in the lounge room typing away. It's 1:44am. I have excellent hearing. It's a gift - and a curse.

Peace, Tess. xx

Friday, January 14, 2011


To talk about people, I like to start with stereotypes. I hate stereotypes - they're so fake.

Stereotypes, I find, are rarely true. We exist in an incredibly complicated environment and to deal with it we need shortcuts. We can't recognize and analyze all the aspects in each person or event we deal with each day. We haven't got the time or capacity. Instead, we usually use stereotypes, we classify things according to a few key features and respond mindlessly when one of these trigger features occurs. But there's SO much to every person. We can't judge them by these things, like fashion, gender, race or age etc. These things don't define a person, there's so much more then what meets the eye. I think that stereotypes are just like masks - it's easier to handle, to label people and ourselves. Stereotypes are usually rather narrow-minded, and people are usually complex. I think it's ridiculous that now people just label each other and that's that, there just can't be anymore to that person. People are so complicated. Why do we just shove them into a little box and slap a label on?

On to people. Well....I'm nice. I try to be nice to everyone no matter what. Plus, I have total confrontation issues so I can't really be mean. And I feel guilty so easily I just don't think my faint, little girly heart could handle the guilt if I was mean to someone.But the truth is I really don't like people my age. I never really fit in with them. I like different music (The Beatles, Kings of Leon, Mumford and Sons, Noah and the Whale, Crowded House, Elton John, The Decemberists...the list goes on), different books, I have different opinions etc. I like some people but mainly I secretly just want to poison most of my classmates. I think I'd like them a lot more if they were themselves. It would be so much better, for everyone, if people stopped giving in to peer pressure and stopped following others like sheep. I'm not trying to be mean, but seriously. High school sucks. No one is brave enough to be themselves, its like 6 years of our life hiding behind a stranger.

And that's my rant for the day!

Peace, Tess. xx

Second post!

I thought I should explain the title of my blog.

I chose the insomnia notebook because, well, I have insomnia. My usual drop off is around 4-5am, but sometimes I just won't go to sleep at all. So I have this secret notebook where I write poems about sleep and decorate the pages. It helps pass the time and it's kind of fun, which I hadn't really expected. Plus, now I'm getting really good at drawing owls.

And Tales of  an Incurable Pessimist kind of explains itself. I'm a pessimist....about most things.

Peace, Tess. xx

-insert snappy title here-

I really wanted to think of a clever title for my first post but I obviously failed. Oh well.

I guess the first thing you need to know is that this is a blog of nothing. It's not book reviews or fashion advice or craft ideas. I guess you could say its D. As in, none of the above. Sort of like me. Sort of....invisible. I think I'll just be writing down my everyday thoughts and opinions for now.

Well, this was short post - but I'll probably become obsessed and start blogging every 5 minutes. You're welcome! ♥

Peace, Tess. xx