Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Saturday, August 20, 2011


You know what I really like? Eavesdropping on strangers. I find it really interesting. A couple of weeks ago my sisters and I went to the movies. We were going down the escalators and there were three girls of about 12 years old going up the escalators.

Girl One: Hurry up, let's go! -starts running, Girl Two follows-
Girl Three: Wait! I have to finish telling you my story about the murder/birdbath/burger!

See, my eldest sister thought the third girl said birdbath. My other sister said she said murder. I insist she said burger. Isn't it weird how people hear different things? Here are some other conversations.

Friday afternoon, on the bus home. Two girls behind me.

Girl One: His handwriting is really small and cramped and thin. I think that means he is ruled by his head and not his heart, he keeps to himself and he has low self esteem but is like, really smart.
Girl Two: I don't get it. He's like, the most energetic person I know, he doesn't keep to himself.
Girl One: Wait, maybe vertical writing means lack of flexibility. I keep forgetting.
Girl Two: Fine, do my handwriting. -silence- (I think she was writing something down)
Girl One: Okay, you're open and friendly, easy going and artistic.
Girl Two: Yeah, that's good, see.
Girl One: How is Jamie supposed to ask me out if he has low self esteem? I'm not going to ask him out, that's such a gutsy move.
Girl Two: Lizzie asked Nick out.
Girl One: Lizzie B?
Girl Two: Yeah. She asked him out.
Girl One: Okay, but Lizzie is a total headcase. She's like, crazy bold.
Girl Two: Yeah, well now they're dating.
Girl One: She said she's going to break up with him if he doesn't grow taller.
Girl Two: Serious?
Girl One: Yeah, she said if he doesn't get taller she'll have to end it.
Girl Two: That is so shallow. I would never date a guy if I was just going to break up with him over something as meaningless as that.
Girl One: What about Jared?
Girl Two: That was different.

Friday afternoon, while getting onto the bus. A girl ran up behind me, catching up with her friend.

Running Girl (very excitedly): I made it! I thought I'd missed the bus!
Friend: Really? 
Running Girl: I made it! I am such a legend! Oh man, I'm such a legend, I almost missed the bus! (She was not a legend. It was a very long line and the bus had only just arrived. It was clear that it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.)
Friend: -laughs- Good job.
Running Girl: Legend. I am such a legend. I almost missed the bus.

Wednesday, lunchtime, in the library. Two girls fighting over something - a school project, I think.

Girl One: I did everything! You haven't done anything!
Girl Two: Why do we have to type it up?
Girl One: All we have to do is add some borders, God. Mar- Come back! We have to finish this!
Girl Two walks over and joins three other girls. Girl One sighs pointedly and keeps working. Then she stands up, marches over to the other girls, snatches a piece of paper out of Girl Two's hands and walks back to the computer.
Other Girls: "Whoa," "Calm down," "Mad, much?"

In all fairness, I thought one of them should've talked to her or helped her or something. Anyway. Wasn't that interesting? I think other people's conversations are interesting. Is that wrong, do you think? Should I stop listening in on conversations? Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey guys. So, I haven't updated in forever, I'm sorry! I know, I suck. My life has been awfully boring lately. Well here's something: the makers of solitaire suck. Here's what I think: you win, say, four games in a row so they deliberately give you a super hard one. And then, when you lose four games in a row? They throw you an insultingly easy one, like 'oh, hey, dumbo, maybe you better start off with an easy one, eh?' I think they're trying to annoy me on purpose.

For those of you who don't know, solitaire is a card game. You would think I could beat a card game, right? Because I'm so smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest? Wrong. Well, I am smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest but I also can't beat a card game. It is very frustrating. I've been playing solitaire for almost an hour now and I still haven't won a game. I almost always win solitaire. I think they've decided to punish me for being so great at the game. (Not so great now, obviously.)

Well. They won't get to me. I am fighting back. Now, when I lose a game, I'm going to click Reset Game and I will play that game until I win it. And so help me, if it takes all night then it takes all night. And I shall play until the game is defeated. Because I'm hardcore. And the makers of solitaire wish they were as hardcore as me.


My God, I am lame. Disregard this post and I'll update soon.