Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Friday, January 28, 2011

Loud Breathers

Loud breathers annoy me. And I don't mean people who have a cold or allergies, but people who just do this all the time.

I regret to tell you my very own father is a loud breather. The worst case I have ever seen. Heard? Whatever the case, it drives me insane. I mean, it is really bad. Incredibly loud. Unbearably loud. I mean, I can hear it from rooms away. That can't be healthy. I literally cannot stand it - I don't know what it is about loud breathing that makes my blood boil but I can't stand it. I have to leave the room or block my ears as discreetly as possible.Gah. Probably my biggest pet peeve ever.

It's okay if your a loud breather though. We can still be friends. We just...won't talk to each that often, okay?

Peace, Tess. xx

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Confession time

Okay. Confession time - I kind of love words. It's weird. I love the way they string together to make sentences, to make stories. Words are powerful. They build things up, they tear things down. When words are read, to me they aren't just characters and nouns and verbs. They are thoughts, feelings, emotions that help inspire, encourage and motivate.

Words can change everything. Three little words that can mean so much - 'I love you.' How often do we say these words? Three words carry so much emotion. Its a little bizarre when you think about it.

I like to think of words like flowers. You plant a tiny seed in the ground. One word. And over time, with care, that seed grows into a little green plant, just poking it's head out of the earth. A sentence. And eventually it blossoms into a  full, beautiful flower. A poem, a story, a song.

So there's a (sort of) logical reason for why I love words. And the not so logical part? My favourite words. I have no real reason for loving these words, but I do.

Artichoke. Atrocious. Astounding. Hyperbole. Zephyr. Gossamer. Wisteria. Alas. Poetic. Come on, say them! Trust me. It's fun.

And now you know my weird love for words. Obviously, I am a freak. And also, if you tell anyone about this I will deny it!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Letter to my neighbours

Dear Neighbours,

Hi! How are you? I'm fine. Anyway, don't worry. Your party last night totally didn't add to my insomnia issues. No, seriously, I think I've actually adapted to the yells and audible conversations and late night karaoke sessions. Maybe its to do with the fact that you've had a party at least twice a week ever since I was eight? Anyway. Your party last night sounded hoppin'! I loved the drunken karaoke. I especially enjoyed your rendition of 'anyone else but you'. I really like that song. I liked it even more at a high pitched, slurred volume. 2 thumbs up!

Anyway, just letting you know that you don't have to worry about waking me up. Really, it's no problem. Even at 4am. Really. I mean it.

Sincerely, Your neighbour.


I usually hate emoticons. And abbreviations, like 'lol' or 'omg'. Especially when people use them in real life - you're off the computer! There is no need to use those! You can just laugh. Or draw a regular smiley face. It's okay. You won't die.

I use about two emoticons: =] and ♥.

I don't know if the heart counts. Anyway, I use the smiley face because I'm a sort of sarcastic person. And by 'sort of' I mean very. But I'm not trying to be mean by being sarcastic so sometimes I add a smiley face in an attempt to show this. And I just like hearts. They're pretty.

And something that bugs me about 'lol'? You can say almost anything and then add 'lol' at the end - and the other person can't get mad at you! Because it was clearly just a joke! It's like writing "you suck. lol." Yeah....the 'lol' doesn't take away the insult. Another thing is that 'lol' has just become a place holder. Whenever I talk to someone online, it generally goes like this:

Me: Hi!
Other person: Oh, hi!
Me: How are you?
Other person: Good. How about you?
Me: I'm okay.
Other person: lol.

You know what I mean? That said, it doesn't make me like a person any less. It's okay when people use it online when their being genuine, like at a joke or if they say something that's actually funny. That's fine - just the above examples that annoy me. Okay, that's all.

Peace, Tess. xx


Ah, vampires. Twilight is the word that comes to mind. No, no, don't worry. I'll save my rant on Twilight for another day. This is just about me and how I appear to be a vampire. Gather around and I will tell a story.

A couple of years ago a girl in my class suddenly decided I was a vampire. Really. No, really. Despite my telling her again and again, that no, I was not a vampire, her mind was made up. She based her theory on the following:

- I rarely ate lunch. And as everyone knows, since vampires are dead they need no food or water to survive. (Actual reason - I happen to be very self conscious about eating in front of others. And I don't really get that hungry at school. I usually just have a big afternoon tea if I'm hungry when I get home.)

- I'm pale. I must be dead! To some extent! (Actual reason - some of my relatives are Irish. I have dark hair and pale skin. So sue me.)

- I don't get that much sleep, as I've previously explained. But then vampires don't sleep either...it's all adding up! (Actual reason - Yeah, just see my post on sleep. =])

- I have excellent balance. Wait, what? No, I don't. I'm the clumsiest person ever! Her logic made no sense.

And that is why I am clearly a vampire. Except for the part where I'm not.

Peace, Tess. xx

Sleep is messing me up

I just spent about 20 minutes writing a post on the word 'atrocious' which is my favourite word. Then I read it over and realized it was terrible. I promptly deleted it. The lack of sleep is getting to me! Pretty soon I'm going to be stumbling around with purple shadows under my eyes and chugging coffee. SIGH.

Peace, Tess. xx


I used to be able to go to sleep late and wake up early. I loved it. It never caught up with me, I never got tired.

Now, I can't fall asleep. Literally. My usual drop off is around 4 or 5am but sometimes I just don't go to bed. I stay up all night and then I usually fall asleep at 6 or 7am. It makes me very disorientated. Last night, I fell asleep briefly on the couch and my sister woke me up, asking if I knew where the mascara was. I remember nothing, but she told me I stumbled around my room before just going back to sleep. Yeah. So weird.

And tonight. The one night I'm sleepy at night time, the one time I think 'hey, I might actually go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up in the morning, not afternoon!' my dad chooses tonight to snore. Oh, joy. And I'm not talking about regular snoring - oh no, I'm talking about the kind of snores that sound like a cow stuck between an ambulance and a chainsaw factory. That was harsh. But true - hey, I'm the victim here. I can hear it through the walls. I can hear it through my pillow, through my fingers jammed in my ears. Hence, I am now in the lounge room typing away. It's 1:44am. I have excellent hearing. It's a gift - and a curse.

Peace, Tess. xx

Friday, January 14, 2011


To talk about people, I like to start with stereotypes. I hate stereotypes - they're so fake.

Stereotypes, I find, are rarely true. We exist in an incredibly complicated environment and to deal with it we need shortcuts. We can't recognize and analyze all the aspects in each person or event we deal with each day. We haven't got the time or capacity. Instead, we usually use stereotypes, we classify things according to a few key features and respond mindlessly when one of these trigger features occurs. But there's SO much to every person. We can't judge them by these things, like fashion, gender, race or age etc. These things don't define a person, there's so much more then what meets the eye. I think that stereotypes are just like masks - it's easier to handle, to label people and ourselves. Stereotypes are usually rather narrow-minded, and people are usually complex. I think it's ridiculous that now people just label each other and that's that, there just can't be anymore to that person. People are so complicated. Why do we just shove them into a little box and slap a label on?

On to people. Well....I'm nice. I try to be nice to everyone no matter what. Plus, I have total confrontation issues so I can't really be mean. And I feel guilty so easily I just don't think my faint, little girly heart could handle the guilt if I was mean to someone.But the truth is I really don't like people my age. I never really fit in with them. I like different music (The Beatles, Kings of Leon, Mumford and Sons, Noah and the Whale, Crowded House, Elton John, The Decemberists...the list goes on), different books, I have different opinions etc. I like some people but mainly I secretly just want to poison most of my classmates. I think I'd like them a lot more if they were themselves. It would be so much better, for everyone, if people stopped giving in to peer pressure and stopped following others like sheep. I'm not trying to be mean, but seriously. High school sucks. No one is brave enough to be themselves, its like 6 years of our life hiding behind a stranger.

And that's my rant for the day!

Peace, Tess. xx

Second post!

I thought I should explain the title of my blog.

I chose the insomnia notebook because, well, I have insomnia. My usual drop off is around 4-5am, but sometimes I just won't go to sleep at all. So I have this secret notebook where I write poems about sleep and decorate the pages. It helps pass the time and it's kind of fun, which I hadn't really expected. Plus, now I'm getting really good at drawing owls.

And Tales of  an Incurable Pessimist kind of explains itself. I'm a pessimist....about most things.

Peace, Tess. xx

-insert snappy title here-

I really wanted to think of a clever title for my first post but I obviously failed. Oh well.

I guess the first thing you need to know is that this is a blog of nothing. It's not book reviews or fashion advice or craft ideas. I guess you could say its D. As in, none of the above. Sort of like me. Sort of....invisible. I think I'll just be writing down my everyday thoughts and opinions for now.

Well, this was short post - but I'll probably become obsessed and start blogging every 5 minutes. You're welcome! ♥

Peace, Tess. xx