Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Oh my God, it's me keeping a promise and writing a post!

It's okay, I'm shocked too.

So, today I want to tell you some things that bug me about movies. Don't get me wrong - I love movies. No, really, I love them. I like the good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, the romantic ones, the lame ones (oh, I love the lame ones), the animated, the clever, the scary. I love movies. But there are three things (off the top of my head) that really bug me in movies:

.1. The breakfast. You know, there's always amazing breakfasts in movies. Like, the mother makes french toast and bacon or the father makes his 'famous blueberry pancakes'. There's always a huge spread of food and the kids never eat it! They sit down for like, two minutes and discuss relevant plot lines and then they go: oh, we'll miss the bus, see ya. Hell, if I had that kind of breakfast I'd skip school just to eat it.

.2. The mean girls always have the stupidest insults. They never have real insults - how are they even popular? I am the shyest, most anxious person you will ever meet but if I went to one of those schools I would outthink the popular girls in two seconds flat. It's so frustrating - give them proper insults, at least make it realistic!

.3. The makeovers. I'm probably the biggest fan of makeover montages that you will ever meet. I love them. I lovelove them. But seriously, they take off the girl's glasses and she's hot? No. As a glasses wearer, I resent that. You think I was good looking before I got glasses? Think again.

Ah, this is a stupid post. I don't even know if I'll post it.

I will. Because I'm not going to come up with something better, sorry. Okay, sorry about this post guys! So what are some things in movies that bug me? Let me know and have an awesome day!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Conversations #1

 It's totally normal for a sixteen year old girl to lie on her bedroom floor and listen to The Smiths while drawing David Byrne on her knee, right guys? Right? Please, some one, say right....

So I keep feeling bad for not writing on here. Because it's not even like I'm doing anything important or productive that's keeping me from writing. I'm just watching Daria and Aladdin.

 God, I wish I was Daria.

Well, I got a job at K-Mart. It's okay, I guess but my hands keep shaking every time I have to pull a coat hanger off because I always feel like the customer is in a rush and I'm so slow.

Guys, I'm basically a real life Eeyore.

Can someone just say right?

Sorry. This is basically me just writing whatever comes into my head. OH MY GOD THIS POST IS SO BORING I'M SORRY.

Think, think. What can I write about that's interesting? Okay, how about this: I'm going to go away and think of something interesting to write about and then I'm going to come on here and write about it, okay? Okay. Good.

In the meantime, here are some overheard conversations:
In the morning before homeroom, two girls behind me.
Girl One: No, seriously, I'm actually really worried about this.
Girl Two: Who the hell cares, it's just history. You just say some stuff about Oscar Wilde and call it perspective.
Me: (turning around) Oscar Wilde was a writer.
Girl Two: No, he wasn't. Trust me.
Me: I'm 100% positive.
Girl Two: He wasn't a writer, hand to God. He was a historian or something.
Me: (half laughing) Guys, seriously, he was an Irish play writer and poet. And he has nothing to do with India-Britain.
Girl One (panicked): Oh my God, I don't know any of these people, what the f*ck am I going to do?
Me: Study?
Girl Two: (to me) God, I love your hair. What conditioner do you use?
Me: ....umm...it comes in a green bottle?
Girl Two: Herbal Essence?
Me: Sure.
Girl One: F*ck, Mavis, help me study!
Girl Two: Talk about Gandhi.
Then I got bored so I continued to read my book.

Some guy on the bus (in a singsong voice): It's gonna be off theeee hoo-oook.
Girl (laughing): I'm so sure.
Some guy: Are you coming?
Girl: I don't think so, my parents are going to some function and they want me to come.
Some guy: That sucks, cause it's gonna be (switches to singsong voice) off theeee hoo-ook.
Girl: So I heard.
Some guy: Can you get out of the function? I could pick you up if you need a ride.
Girl: Thanks but it's pretty important to my parents. They'd guilt trip me so badly if I didn't go.

Two girls in the library.
Girl One: And it's so annoying. The earth isn't going to last forever and people don't take that seriously. They think it's just going to last forever and it won't and they just assume other people are recycling and using green bags so they think they don't have to. It's just so ridiculous!
Girl Two: I know.
Girl One: Seriously! And yesterday I told my mum we should stop using paper towels and just clean the counter with a sponge? And she just goes, hmm, like, I knew she wasn't even considering it. God, how hard is it to use a sponge? How hard is it? Seriously.
Girl Two: Yeah. But what gets me is how much meat is in my family's fridge. I swear, there's like, so much steak and chicken and sausages, it just makes me sick. Animals are living things.
Girl One:  Don't even talk to me about meat. My brother was eating a hamburger yesterday, I had to leave the room, the smell was so immoral.
Girl One and Two together in whispered voices: Meat. Is. Murder.
The last part was actually really creepy, when they said meat is murder. I felt like I was listening in on a creepy cult of some sort.

And that's that! Sorry about this lame-o post. I promise I'll put up something interesting very soon!