Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Oh my God, it's me keeping a promise and writing a post!

It's okay, I'm shocked too.

So, today I want to tell you some things that bug me about movies. Don't get me wrong - I love movies. No, really, I love them. I like the good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, the romantic ones, the lame ones (oh, I love the lame ones), the animated, the clever, the scary. I love movies. But there are three things (off the top of my head) that really bug me in movies:

.1. The breakfast. You know, there's always amazing breakfasts in movies. Like, the mother makes french toast and bacon or the father makes his 'famous blueberry pancakes'. There's always a huge spread of food and the kids never eat it! They sit down for like, two minutes and discuss relevant plot lines and then they go: oh, we'll miss the bus, see ya. Hell, if I had that kind of breakfast I'd skip school just to eat it.

.2. The mean girls always have the stupidest insults. They never have real insults - how are they even popular? I am the shyest, most anxious person you will ever meet but if I went to one of those schools I would outthink the popular girls in two seconds flat. It's so frustrating - give them proper insults, at least make it realistic!

.3. The makeovers. I'm probably the biggest fan of makeover montages that you will ever meet. I love them. I lovelove them. But seriously, they take off the girl's glasses and she's hot? No. As a glasses wearer, I resent that. You think I was good looking before I got glasses? Think again.

Ah, this is a stupid post. I don't even know if I'll post it.

I will. Because I'm not going to come up with something better, sorry. Okay, sorry about this post guys! So what are some things in movies that bug me? Let me know and have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I suppose bugs me is that in a slasher horror film, the "hot chick" will most likely die whilst half-naked, often post-coitus.

    Oh and yeah, what's up with the removal of glasses equalling sudden "hotness"?? Glasses can be attractive, even sexy! :D
