Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey guys. So, I haven't updated in forever, I'm sorry! I know, I suck. My life has been awfully boring lately. Well here's something: the makers of solitaire suck. Here's what I think: you win, say, four games in a row so they deliberately give you a super hard one. And then, when you lose four games in a row? They throw you an insultingly easy one, like 'oh, hey, dumbo, maybe you better start off with an easy one, eh?' I think they're trying to annoy me on purpose.

For those of you who don't know, solitaire is a card game. You would think I could beat a card game, right? Because I'm so smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest? Wrong. Well, I am smart and clever and quick thinking and brilliant and modest but I also can't beat a card game. It is very frustrating. I've been playing solitaire for almost an hour now and I still haven't won a game. I almost always win solitaire. I think they've decided to punish me for being so great at the game. (Not so great now, obviously.)

Well. They won't get to me. I am fighting back. Now, when I lose a game, I'm going to click Reset Game and I will play that game until I win it. And so help me, if it takes all night then it takes all night. And I shall play until the game is defeated. Because I'm hardcore. And the makers of solitaire wish they were as hardcore as me.


My God, I am lame. Disregard this post and I'll update soon.


  1. I've been wondering this ever since I keep seeing your genius on SBS.. does it tell you how many likes you have all together?

  2. Alena - Yep, it does. At the moment I have 21470 likes.

    If you want to check out your likes, it should be at the top of your comment box - providing you have a Disqus account.

    Hope that helps! =]

  3. Solitaire is boss. And I believe I have around 60% win on the intermediate level. 100% win on beginner. And that's with.. like.. 600 games. I have no life ><

  4. linaya - I bow down to you. The Solitaire Queen. You have to tell me how you win so many games, I think the game hates me or something.
