Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blogging. And also, turtles.

So, I suck. At blogging, that is. I blanked on my many opinions (of course) and I didn't have anything to write about. I thought I should post about my day but my life is too boring to be considered blog worthy. So finally, as a last resort I went to Google (ah, faithful Google) for some suggestions. I stumbled upon a site called: 5 Simple Ways to Open Your Blog Post With a Bang. Well, I've already opened my blog but I thought it was better then nothing. So let's begin.

1. Ask a Question
Opening your post with a question is a rhetorical device (hence, the “rhetorical question”) that creates curiosity and gets the reader thinking. Thinking equals active engagement with your writing, and that’s a very good thing.

What's better then a question? A rhetorical question! Because you don't have to actually think to answer it! Here is a rhetorical question: aren't turtles great? That's a rhetorical question because of course turtles are great. It is an obvious answer.

.2. Share an anecdote or quote
Anecdotes are quick stories that can make people laugh or immediately establish the main point of your post. A nice quote from a recognizable authority or famous person can also work wonders when holding attention in those crucial opening seconds.

Anecdote? Um, okay - last night I was on the computer. I was just wasting time and looking at pictures of turtles when my mum came in and told me to go to bed. I told her I was doing homework and she let me stay on. Isn't that humorous? Quote: 
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." — Dr. Seuss

3. Invoke the Mind’s Eye
Producing a mental image in a reader’s mind is one of the most powerful things you can ever do as a writer, so expressly engaging the imagination is a powerful opening technique. Activate the mind’s eye of the reader by using words like “imagine,” “picture this,” “do you remember when,” etc.

Picture this: a turtle.


4. Use an Analogy, Metaphor or Simile
Analogies, metaphors and similes are some of the most powerful devices available when it comes to telling a story in a single sentence. This is a great way to capture a reader’s attention and also acts to provoke mental imagery that allows readers to tell a story to themselves.

If this blog could swim it would be as fast as a sea turtle. Bam, simile.
In relation to my slow walkers post: turtles walk so slow,you are going the same speed as the turtle. Bam, metaphor. Isn't this capturing your attention?


5. Cite a Shocking Statistic
Starting off with an interesting factoid is also a great technique. People love being provided with interesting data, but only if it is unique, startling, or even shocking. The statistic should also be directly relevant to the point of your post as well.

Turtles have been on the earth for more than 200 million years. They evolved before mammals, birds, crocodiles, snakes and even lizards.


And now, I will leave you with this: 

You're welcome!



  1. Ahaha. Awesome post.
    By the way, I found your blog through the comments on sixbillionsecrets. If you're wondering who the heck I am. [:

  2. You don't suck at blogging at all and you don't need help. These "average life posts" are what we can relate too! Pessimism ftw

    A turtle post would be interesting though... Starting with "aren't turtles great?" to "did you know turtles can lay a zillion eggs" etc.

  3. You're blog is too interesting (to me at least) to be considered boring. I find it entertaining and I also find myself wishing you'd post more often. And because I assume you're in high school I think "Well, we have one thing in common that makes her even more intriguing!".

    Another thing that drew me to your BLOG would have to be your inspiring comments on SixBillionSecrets. You list help sites sometimes and if not you leave such a lovely heart warming message that gets to anyone who reads it. And if anyone were to ridicule what you've said, you would be defended by the general readers of SixBillionSecrets because you've possibly helped LOTS and LOTS of people out.

    So don't ever think about quitting this blog or calling it uninteresting unless it is truly necessary (e.g. family crisis - if that were to happen your readers would understand)because when I stumbled upon such great reading material I was inspired to start my own blog =]

    Love Always
    Amanda <3

  4. RealMeAmanda - Thankyou so much! I just read this before I was about to go to school and it's brightened my day already. =)

  5. i actually love your blog so much, seriously, keep writing, ahah somehow i feel its going to turn into something, even the title sounds like a book.

  6. Whatchu talkin' 'bout? Your blog is awesome! I look forward to your posts every time!
    BTW I love turtles O: So cute and adorable WITHOUT being fluffy like kittens and puppies x3

  7. Picture this: a turtle.

  8. I think finding your blog just made my day. Pretty awesome turtle post.
    By the way, I found you from SBS too, so don't mind me just quietly stalking you now...
