Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Balancing chemical equations

So, we're doing chemistry in science at the moment which I totally don't get. I mean, I'm just saying, in my future as a journalist and travelling around the world at what point am I going to feel the need to balance a few chem equations? I hate chemistry so much. We already tried this last year, and I didn't get it then. I just thought, oh well, it's all over now. Wrong. It has surfaced again in Year Ten. I am yet to see it's value. I don't like it and I don't get it and I hate that other people are all: "ha ha, chem is so easy! I'm totally going to ace this test!"

And of course, my friend who I sit next to in chem absolutely loves it. I mean, she does not stop. Every lesson she goes on about how much she loves chemistry. I mean, geez, I love History but I don't exactly die of excitement over an essay on World War 2, now do I? And granted, maybe I would at least grasp the concept if I didn't spend my science classes thinking about how cool it would be if I could fly and if I had a pet spider monkey. But still. I am a humanities person. I like English and Literature and Music and History. Not maths and science and geography.

So anyway. Here I am, on a Saturday night, Googling (I turn to Google in my times of need) how to balance chemical equations. I found a helpful sight which helped quite a bit so I think I can at least get a 50 on my chem test which is this Wednesday. Wish me luck.

Over and out.


  1. Hey, I absolutely love your blog. It's hilarious! You're a really good writer.

  2. Thanks, that means a lot to me. =)
