Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Things to do Before I Die

Hellodily-odily! How are you guys? I'm okay-ish - school holidays are here but I never relax until my parents have seen my report card. So for now I just have this little nagging feeling gnawing at my flesh. Ew. That's creepy. ANYWAY. The title pretty much says it all. 

.1. Travel. (This is quite general, I know. It's just that I want to travel everywhere and see everything so this just sums it up.)

.2. Be in two places at once.*

.3. Publish a novel.

.4. Learn to play the flugelhorn.

.5. Learn to play the harmonica.

.6. Learn to ride a unicycle.

.7. Fall in love.

.8. Go apple/berry picking.

.9. Learn to juggle.

.10. Learn to walk on my hands.

.11. See a meteor shower.

.12. Throw a pot.

.13. Ride a horse in an empty field.

.14. Learn a foreign language.

.15. Write a song - like, a good one.

.16. Solve 1 mystery.

.17. Have 1 adventure.

.18. Finish every Nancy Drew book.

.19. See a Broadway musical.

.20. Smile at 100 strangers.

.21. Find a four-leaf clover.

.22. Make fire without matches.

.23. Save someones life.

.24. Witness a miracle.*

.25. Get a tattoo.

.26. Befriend someone I don't like.*

.27. Send a message in a bottle.

.28. Be in a food fight.

.29. See the oldest turtle in the world.

.30. Sleep under the stars.

.31. Go up in a hot air balloon.

.32. Learn to skip stones.

.33. Grow a garden.

.34. Swim with dolphins.

.35. Photograph an endangered species.

.36. Scuba in the Great Barrier Reef.

.37. Attend a music festival in another country.

.38. Climb an active volcano.

.39. Live like a local for a month in another country.

.40. Set foot on each of the 7 continents.

.41. Visit a blues bar in Chicago.

.42. Give flowers to strangers.

.43. Go skydiving.

.44. Go on a holiday with no luggage.

.45. Ride a giant roller coaster.

.46. Watch the sun rise.

.47. Watch the sun set.

.48. Fly a kite.

.49. Build a tree house.

.50. Ride a motorcycle.

.51. Swim with sharks.

.52. Do a handstand on the South Pole. No wait for it...I'd be holding up the world. Get it!?

.53. Master one really cool magic trick.

.54. Visit really famous musuems and art galleries.

.55. Visit really unknown musuems and art galleries.

I'm sure I will add more to the list as life goes on, but for now this is my List of Things to do Before I Die.

* Taken from A Walk to Remember, book by Nicholas Sparks and movie with Mandy Moore. Ha, I just sounded like an advertisement.

See ya later, alligator!
(Please note that this is the point where you say, 'after awhile, crocodile!')


  1. Woo! I was happy to sign in on Blogspot today and find that you'd written your "bucket list". :)

    You've inspired me to write my own list. :D Some of these I also had on my little mental list - travelling, for example, or getting a tattoo. Some stuff you have on here is really original, great list overall!

    In a while, crocodile!

    (When I was younger, I read an alternative: "See you later, hot potato." Being British, I only realised years later that this was supposed to rhyme.)

  2. See you later, hot pototo. I like it. You could say it like, 'see you later, hot potatA.' Then it would rhyme.
