Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

High school sucks. Also, it's full of fakes.

It seems going to school has made most of the people stupider, as I suspected. I can't even start to think about where to start writing about all the things that suck about  high school. The teachers? The carbon copy clone students? The constant pressure? The endless days?

Let's start with sport, my most hated pastime. It's no lie that I'm not particularly sporty. You can probably tell by just looking at me. I can just feel the P.E teachers sizing me up. 'Look at those weak arms', they think to themselves, 'this must be the girl all the sport teachers are talking about. The one who trips on air and passes the ball to the other team.' Already they hate me. And to be honest, they have reason to. I can injure someone by just looking at a piece of sporting equipment. Pathetic.

And then there's the teachers. Is there ever a really good one? Rarely. I'm yet to come across one. First there are those spiteful ones - is that a student laughing? Quick - put them on the spot and humiliate them! And then there are the slowest talkers ever. My maths teacher takes about 501 years to tell us what to do for homework.
"So, probably the -ah- best, er thing, to, ah, do at the moment, is to try your hand at...ah...shall we the say...6th? No! Silly me! No, the 7th...yes, the 7th exercise of, ah, er, ah, chapter 2." And it's the biggest waste of time because not one single person does the maths homework. I feel like yelling something at them. For e.g. HURRY UP.

And let's not forget the students! I can't handle the many obnoxious, shallow, narrow-minded people. All I see are people who can't think for themselves, and it seriously irritates me.They're so scared of just being themselves and it's ridiculous. 6 years of your life, wasted. Gone. Because you refused to think for yourself. What should they write on your grave? 'Here lies such and such, she had good hair and always wore the right clothes'? Do these people think their classmates will go home and think about how great Janey's hair looked today? I can't make it through one day without glaring at people's backs in the hallway, thinking about how much I detest them. (I can see the entrance to hell already.) It's horrible, I know, but it's just everything about them. Everyone is just so fake and they're all like clones or something, the main priority is fitting in. They just hide in the shell of a stranger to scared to step out. I'm not saying it's easy to be yourself and stand up for what you believe in but ack, it's just so infuriating to see these people 5 days a week. Rage.

And that's my pessimistic tale for the day.


  1. I know! Everyone thinks that acting all clone-ish makes them original or hipster. How silly is that?

  2. Injuring people by looking at sporting equipment? PATHETIC? DON'T YOU MEAN WONDERFUL? You can be your own superhero/villain! THIS IS A GIFT!
    I'm usually the one BEING injured O:

    The whole thing about the high school clone army thing is so true. And worst of all, they ridicule and tease anybody who is different! As if THEY'RE the weird ones! The whole "Be yourself" is a lie. In reality, it's do whatever you can do be normal but still natural x___x
