Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Oh, you guys - I am so sorry. Lately I've just been posting whiny/rant-y(?) posts. I just...have a lot on my mind so sometimes I just have to get it out, you know? I am sorry though, so please, if you are sick of my rants skip this post! This is an advanced warning!

So. Teachers. Two days ago my geography teacher gave me back my exam - 58%. Yep. I know, I'm a regular Einstein eh? Well anyway, he had one end of the exam and I had the other (as he was passing it to me) and he wouldn't let go. So we're just standing there like some kind of frozen tug-a-war and I'm giving him this look like 'can I have my exam or what?' And he gives me the most infuriating look and goes: 'Less novels, more geography.' Now, I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I am a big reader. I can read 2-3 novels a day. I absolutely love reading, and not just teenage books. I've been reading adult books and old books for a long time. So I guess I'm kind of well known for it in my year level. I bring books to school too, that's why my geography teacher knew I read a lot.

Now. Onto why that comment he made bothers me so much. What does he know about me? I'm just a face that he sees a couple of times a week amongst the hundreds of faces he sees every single day at school. It was really just the way he said it, so smug and warning (if that is possible)...argh, I can't explain. But what does he know about me or my study habits? I studied hard for geography. I'm not saying I did my absolute best, but I tried. I could have done better (see my post on studying for exams) but I did try. I learnt and memorized every single thing on his revision list. But geography simply doesn't interest me and things that don't interest me just fall out of my head. I  don't plan on taking geography next year and most of the things they teach us just don't matter. At what point in my life will I be held at gunpoint and told to label a diagram of a billabong? Yeah, okay, I get the whole general knowledge-current events thing but seriously? The stuff they teach is useless. And by the way, is that even allowed? Are you even allowed to tell someone to stop reading good literature?

Back to my teacher - I really can't explain. It just made my blood boil. Excuse me, but I did not read for two weeks in preparation for exams. Granted, I did not replace much of this spare time with studying but I certainly didn't read and that was hard for me. Reading is one of the few things that relaxes me and if you ask me, that's important in a time of stress...say exams?! And "less novels, more geography"? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Does he mean prepare more for tests? Or does he mean in general, start replacing novels with textbooks! Explain yourself Mr.M because I don't understand. And judging from my classmate's scores, maybe our personal interests aren't the problem, maybe it's the teacher. (Ooh, touchy subject.)

Ahem. So that was the one account that really got me thinking. I was planning this post in class (no wonder I practically fail exams) and it sounded  a lot better in my head. But as soon as I start writing I just go off on a rant. Sorry. But teachers in general are really starting to bother me. Personally, I think the role of a teacher is more then just teaching. They are also role models. The role of a teacher has many factors:

"To actively promote inclusion, equality and diversity; to create a safe learning environment for all students; to work within the legislative requirements and codes of practice, all in the terms of the Teaching Training Cycle':
- Identify Needs
- Plan and Design
- Deliver
- Assess
- Evaluate"

If you feed a person's sense of curiosity and nurture that desire to learn then we will want to learn. If you present material in an engaging manner, ask us questions and let us THINK not regurgitate...then we will not stop learning. Having said that, my teachers just don't seem to be doing this. They teach us to memorize, not think.

Oh, man. I just reread that. I sound like such a bitch. This is coming across the wrong way - I'm not saying it's all my teachers fault. I take responsibility, I should have studied harder and put more time and effort in. And many teachers are good - great, in fact. I appreciate their time and effort and all. But...ugh, do you know what I mean? Some teachers just really...bug me. The way they treat students. For instance, I'm obviously having trouble in geography. But instead of blaming my love of literature why not just give me extra help in class?

Oh, I sound like such a whiny brat. I'm sorry. I really hope this makes sense.

See ya.


  1. Well, don't I seem like a little blog stalker! I just really feel to comment on some of the things in this post, but I'll put it in points to break it down and hopefully make it less long:

    -You're not whiny nor "ranty", and when you need a rant, writing it in a blog is great for stress relief - I call it blogging therapy :D

    -What the hell is a Billabong?! Never mind, I'll Google it later. For now, it's my new favourite word.

    -Your geography teacher sounds like an idiot. Actually, he sounds like most teachers - they expect you to prioritize their subject, and disregard all forms of leisure in the run-up to exams.

    -"They teach us to memorize, not think." Not a lot of people realise this, you should deem yourself an intelligent person :) The purpose of education is to enrich the mind, not to robotize it.

    -PLEASE do not feel as if you need to read less. I think it's amazing that you can read 2 novels in a day, and that you read Classics and literature aimed at adults. That kind of inspires me, to be honest. Sounds a bit cheesy but oh well, I like cheese! On toast. And sometimes on crackers. Definitely on pizza. But anyway...

    -Seriously, don't let your teacher get you down, it's so easy for them to talk but they don't know what each individual has done in preparation for exams. Be proud of yourself, you achieved more than half the marks for a subject that you don't even like - more importantly, a subject which you can drop, woo!

    -Anyway, I hope you got good results in your other exams, and you don't sound like a bitch or a whiny brat. Aaand... keeeep reading :D

  2. Nina - Thankyou so much! Seriously, I can't even say how much better your comment made me feel, so thanks. =] And blog stalking is awesome. I am the Queen of Blog Stalking - I like it.

    "Your geography teacher sounds like an idiot. Actually, he sounds like most teachers - they expect you to prioritize their subject" That is so true. Teachers always act like their subject is the only one you have.

    As for cheese on toast (and crackers and pizza)I love it. Have you ever had a tuna melt? It's like a toasted cheese sandwhich but with tuna in it. It's delicious, you should try it sometime.

    Thanks again. Totally brightened my day. ♥

  3. I wouldn't waste my time analyzing the four words that your teacher said to you. Fact is, we get hurt sometimes by words that people usually don't mean, and I think it's kind of true in your case.

    I feel in general bad for teachers because they are the people that get judged the most whether fairly or unfairly - by students, of course! They have a lot to worry about, and certainly they do not get paid the amount of money I would expect from dealing with people who are at a very volatile age - i.e. children and teenagers. They want people to do well, but if you live in America, the average high school student is not very intelligent or dedicated to learning (this is a statistic, not true for everyone of course). From that perspective, I would see why any teacher would become cynical or jaded about students who don't do very well - because they might adopt an attitude of "Why bother, they're just like the rest" when really it is more that students in general have different things that they have to deal with whether it's a personality issue or possibly preferences, like in your situation.

    I sympathize, I really do. I would like to read books more often but I prefer to read books that I've already read as I know the plot. Haha that's just me though! One of my favorites is All Quiet on the Western Front. :-)

  4. Don't feel too bad about it, and you certainly shouldn't think you should read any less! Reading is great, and you seem like a real mature and smart person, so you shouldn't think twice about what some random teacher that you probably won't see from the day you finish high school thinks or says. And what's the point of blogging if not so you can share your thoghts with others? :)

  5. "If you feed a person's sense of curiosity and nurture that desire to learn then we will want to learn. If you present material in an engaging manner, ask us questions and let us THINK not regurgitate...then we will not stop learning. Having said that, my teachers just don't seem to be doing this. They teach us to memorize, not think."
    THANK YOU. This is one of my biggest annoyances at being in schools. It's no wonder that our generation makes poor choices and can't simply speak their own language correctly. Teachers just want us to memorize the material, know it, recite it back to them, get graded on how exactly it was recited, and then forget it. School is about grades and getting the students out "safely" with passing grades. It's no longer about preparing them for the world they're about to enter and teaching them how to really understand things. If more people were taught to think for themselves instead of follow those in charge like blind sheep, maybe humanity, our generation especially, would accomplish more.

  6. Claire Marie - this is definitely one of the most annoying things for me too. It drives me absolutely insane! I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one who feels this way.
