Tales of an Incurable Pessimist

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Guess who finished exams? ME! Granted, I can't say I'm confident about all of them but the point is they are over. No more. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Until, you know, November for end of years but whatever. So for the past couple of weeks I've been a little stressed. Because for the first week I was like: okay, time to study! I'm so going to ace these exams! But I couldn't bring myself to study. I can't explain it. I had nothing else to do, my books were set out, I was totally ready to study...and I just couldn't. I would open a textbook, read a line and just stop. Then I'd feel guilty about not studying and guilt is the worst feeling. I think my guilt-factor is a lot higher then others. For instance: my mother used to have a rule where we could only watch two television programs a day. One day, I watched ten minutes extra. I was so overcome by guilt I immediately went and told my mother who obviously didn't care and was kind of like, um, ten minutes? So? Anyway. So I felt really guilty about not studying.

As for the second week, well, that was actually exam week. This was the exam timetable:
Monday: geography and English
Tuesday: maths (technology free) and science
Wednesday: maths (technology active) and history
Thursday: french and religion
So. On the Sunday before exam week, I studied geography. To be honest, I didn't really study English because I can kind of get good marks without studying. I'm a real humanities person. Then on Monday night, I studied maths and science, Tuesday night I studied maths and history and on Wednesday night I studied french and science. Here's how I think I went:

Maths: fail, fail. I can't grasp the concept of maths, simple as that.

Geography: pretty good.

English: good.

History: good....but my teacher is an incredibly hard marker. The class average is fifty. I got 51% on my practice history essay. I don't mean to sound conceited, seriously, but that was a good essay. History is my best subject and I have to admit, I was a tad devastated with the mark. But I think I do pretty okay on the exam. As long as I'm in the class average, I can tell it would be a good score had any other teacher been marking it...does that make sense?

Science: fail. We did chemistry (oh, remember my post on chemical equations? Pretty much sums it up), motion and electricity. All of these topics are like maths and science combined. You do the maths....pun intended.

French: not great, but okay.

Religion: fine. Religion is like English.

Alright, I've been debating on whether or not to post this as it's pretty boring - I mean, it's just about my exams. That is kinda lame. However, it is my blog and I get to whine and brag if I want to, so suck it up! But because I am generous, here is a picture I hope will make up for the boring post:

Oh, like that didn't make your day. I think I'll do a post on Twilight some other time but not now because I'm lazy. But I have to say, I actually really like Robert Pattinson. NOT TWILIGHT. Do not misunderstand me. I like Cedric Diggory and Robert Pattinson. I'll explain further in the Twilight post.

Now I'm going to get something to eat and continue watching Clueless online.You know what I just realized? Her teacher is Vizzini from the Princess Bride! I totally love that movie!



  1. Didn't I comment on this thing before? Oh, well...

    Congratulations on passing your exams! History is my favorite subject, and I hate Math too!

    "Because for the first week I was like: okay, time to study! I'm so going to ace these exams! But I couldn't bring myself to study. I can't explain it. I had nothing else to do, my books were set out, I was totally ready to study...and I just couldn't. I would open a textbook, read a line and just stop. Then I'd feel guilty about not studying and guilt is the worst feeling. I think my guilt-factor is a lot higher then others. For instance: my mother used to have a rule where we could only watch two television programs a day. One day, I watched ten minutes extra. I was so overcome by guilt I immediately went and told my mother who obviously didn't care and was kind of like, um, ten minutes? So? Anyway. So I felt really guilty about not studying."

    It's like you took the words right out of my mouth.

    I have a Chemistry test tomorrow that will decide what grade will I have from it, but I can't bring myself to study, yet I really want that A!
    And my guilt-factor is also high. I always fess up if I do something I'm not allowed to, then scold myself for not being able to keep my mouth shut, even though I have never been grounded in my life.

    Harry Potter is not my thing, and I don't like Twilight, even though I like HP a bit better, so I'm pretty neutral on the Robert Pattinson thing, even though that pic really is funny! :)

  2. Nissa - You did comment before. =] I got an alert thingy on my email but when I went to reply, there was no comment. I was like "...."

    Anyway. Thanks for the comment and I hope things go well on your chem test! I feel your pain - chem sucks.

    Oh, and the guilt thing, me too. My parents have never grounded me, I believe the last time I was even spoken to in a slightly raised voice was when I was about 7 or 8? But I'm always too guilty to stay silent.

  3. This wasn't a boring blog post at all. I think with the way you write, you could be talking about anything and it would be interesting because your personality comes through when you write. If that makes sense. And yes, you can write about whatever you like because as you said, it's YOUR blog :D

    By the way, the R. Pattinson and Voldemort pic actually made me laugh out loud, haha. And the main reason I'm leaving a comment is to tell you that I'm looking forward to your post about Twilight and you can probably expect a long comment from me about it - apologies in advance! xD

  4. Nina Moody - THANKYOU. =D You have no idea, your comment truly brightened my day. I'm so happy you like my post and by the way? I love long comments. Long comments rock. =] So don't apoligize.

    I'll try to do the Twilight post sometime this weekend.

    Thanks again. xx
